lets do good better

Social Week 2023

Corporate volunteering writ large: Employees from two companies implemented seven charitable and social projects in one week.
Corporate Volunteering

Community engagement at Social Week 2023

From July 17 to 20, 2023, Fonds Finanz joined forces with us and Bayerische to set an inspiring example of corporate volunteering. This concept impressively demonstrated how even small efforts can help make the world a little better.

Nearly 100 volunteers from the ranks of both companies, including employees of the broker pool as well as the insurance company, contributed their energy to six different volunteer projects. This involved busy cutting, hammering, collecting, playing, painting and building - the range of activities was diverse. It was gratifying to see the beaming faces of both the helpers themselves and those who benefited from their help.

A look at the activities of each day:

Monday, July 17

An afternoon with seniors

Social Day at the Botanical Garden
An employee shows an elderly lady the garden.

The Social Week kicked off on the first day with a special afternoon at the Münchenstift retirement home. Volunteers accompanied the home's seniors through a relaxing walk in the Botanical Garden in Munich. The elderly participants enjoyed the beauty of nature to the fullest in pleasant temperatures. Afterwards, everyone gathered at the park café to talk and get to know each other better over coffee, cake and ice cream.

Tuesday, July 18

Tackling biotope maintenance

Social in the green.
Employees removing weeds in the pond.

The second day of the Social Week was dedicated to nature. Together with experts from the Bund Naturschutz, the volunteers used their strengths in Perlacher Forst. There, the native ponds were cleared of invasive neophytes and weed encroachment was counteracted. These plants, such as the Canadian goldenrod, are not native to our latitudes and threaten the native flora.

Wednesday, July 19

Helping on the mercy farm

Employees at Social Day painting a barn.
Employees painting a barn

A heartfelt help was provided at a sanctuary. This facility, run by the Union for Animals, provides a safe home for over 500 animals. The daily care and nurturing of the animals requires a great deal of commitment. This week's volunteers took on tasks such as cleaning the stalls and assisting with repairs as well as painting. This helped lighten the workload of the farm team and ensured the well-being of the animals.

Thursday, July 20

Collect garbage in the park

Social Day employees who collected garbage
A group of employees present the success of their cleanup

Under the motto "Clean Up", lets and Bayerische volunteers joined the non-profit association Rehab Republic e.V. to carry out a trash collection campaign in the English Garden. The aim was to rid the park meadows of litter lying around and thus make an active contribution to preserving the environment.

Thursday, July 20

Homework help and play with children

A Social Day employee playing with children.
Female employees playing with children

At the same time, the Ark project was running that day, with up to 60 children being cared for in a recreational facility. The volunteers assisted the children with everyday tasks, from preparing lunch to helping with homework. A special highlight was the Lego building competition, where everyone had a lot of fun.

Thursday, July 20

Creative day with children

Social Day painting workshop with children

In addition, a creative day was spent with (Ukrainian) children with the support of Little Art e.V.. The organization, based in the Munich Künstlerhaus, is committed to promoting the creativity of children and young people. Colorful and imaginative pictures were painted together, which encouraged the artistic vein of the young participants.

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